CODA Resources

CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) children who fall into this group are unique and often have specialized needs, particularly in early childhood education. Many times CODA will have American Sign Language as their first language. 

Often, a CODA is caught between two cultures and has to take on both without fully understanding the different nuances between each culture ("Deaf Culture" and "Hearing Culture"). They are often thrust into the role of interpreting for family members at a very young age without fully developing an understanding of a different culture outside of their home environment.

Common challenges can manifest themselves in developmental delays. These challenges can create frustrations that are uniquely difficult to overcome and can have long-lasting effects on a child's early development. 

Some resources on this page help bridge the gap between cultures.

Letter to Teacher, created by Jennifer Witteborg 

A letter that was written to help teachers understand CODA students by sharing Deaf culture and language used at home. It is editable, please edit it to represent your family background before sharing it with the teacher. 

I share this letter every year with my children's teachers beginning of the year. It has been helpful.

COPY and PASTE the letter to the document to make edits.

KODAheart shares Back to School Resources

including the letter to teachers and beyond. Check it out too.         


Play is an essential way for kids to interact with and learn about the world around them. According to Kenneth R. Ginsburg of the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Play is essential to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth.” Parents perform an important role in this learning process: through one-on-one or group play, parents model language and encourage linguistic development in their children, as well as teach social and cultural norms. What “play” looks like will vary across age groups, but parental involvement is always important.

As minority languages, access to signed languages is limited in the larger society. Promote the use of sign language in your home by creating a safe environment for your children to play with the language and develop their skills. Here are 10 different activities to help encourage language development within your home!

1) Language Play

2) Play with Classifiers 

3) Rhythm and Rhyme

4) Grammatical Non-Manual Markers

5) Real-world Applications

6) Depicting Verbs

7) Cinematic Signed Language

8)  Language Variation

9) Vocabulary Development

10) YOU are the best resource for your child’s acquisition of signed language.

Language play encourages children and parents to expand their vocabulary, explore the grammar and structure of language, and learn about different forms of communication. In small ways, every day, families shape the process of language acquisition at home. While there is no one way to learn the language, parents can create language-rich environments that encourage children to explore and develop their skills, while also bringing the family together!

What language development strategies do you utilize at home? Which games are a family favorite? Share them with us at

For more details, check their page 

I want to share my experience as a Deaf mother of two CODA children. In 2017, I learned during this new journey about early intervention for CODA children. I was concerned about my daughter who was three years old, of her speech ability. My CODA didn't have full access to a spoken language other than technologies (TV, music, and iPad). I learned that I could reach the school's early education district to request for assessment. The assessment helped me know where my children's language acquisition is. If you have any concerns with speech or more, you can reach your school district anytime.